The process of web development has evolved over time, much like every other process. This development process has been fuelled by the need for an easier workflow and faster execution of codes. In this blog, we are going to take a look at the whole front-end and back-end modern web development workflow. If you are new to website development, you will get a detailed insight into the process.

Website Wireframe: Designing the UI

The website development process starts with wireframing. Wireframes are simple black-and-white layouts that show the size and arrangement of page elements, conversion areas, site features, and website navigation. You get to visit the architecture visually. However, it will be devoid of font choices, color, logos or any real design elements.

This is the modern web development introduction. In order to make the sites appear appealing, back-end and front-end developers then join in.

Website Wireframe

Back-end Development

Back-end development is what keeps the internet functioning. Back-end developers are generally concerned with the operation of a website. They write code that concentrates on the functionality and logic that drives the application they’re working on. The technology they employ is never visible to consumers.

Web Development Languages

Object-oriented programming (OOP) and functional programming are two types of back-end programming. The former is a technique that focuses on object creation. Statements in object-oriented programming should be executed in a specific order. Java, .NET, and Python are popular OOP languages.

The latter is a more “action-oriented” method. A declarative language is used in functional programming, which means that statements can be performed in any sequence. SQL, F#, and R are some of the most used languages for data science.

Database, Server, and API

Furthermore, we have to store information in the form of a database. For this, developers rely on MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle. As far as the server is concerned, they take the help of Apache, IIS Servers, Microsoft IIS, etc. Full-stack developers must also be familiar with web services or APIs. It’s preferable if you know how to create and consume REST and SOAP services.

Front-End Development

Browsers only comprehend JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. JavaScript is the language that allows otherwise static pages to be interactive, and HTML and CSS describe the pages that browsers display.


JavaScript is a scripting language that lets you generate dynamically updated information, manipulate multimedia, animate graphics, and pretty much everything else. To build a distinct JavaScript environment, Node.js blends Google Chrome’s v8 engine with other capabilities.

JavaScript takes years to master. So, if you are new to it and you are facing issues, seek assignment help online.



Language is only a small part of the story. Today, language frameworks are extremely beneficial to developers when it comes to productivity. The goal of browser frameworks (usually Vue.js, Google’s Angular, or Facebook’s React) is to create reusable components and synchronize data on a webpage (i.e. application state).

The Express.js web framework is the most popular on the server. Most web applications’ basic needs, such as incoming request routing, are handled by back-end frameworks, which also support a slew of third-party code for database access, authentication, and so on.

GitHub, BitBucket, GitLab: Sharing Codes

Today, it’s becoming commonplace to use other people’s code. It’s done using “package managers,” which connect to centralized repositories (such as GitHub and BitBucket) and keep track of version compatibility and dependencies. We’ve been able to securely and easily re-use code produced by others thanks to modularization, established interface specifications, versioning standards, consistent error handling, and decent documentation.

Developers rely on Git and GitHub as they can easily retrieve the code from the cloud. All they need is a computer and an Internet connection. Furthermore, the deployment process is swifter from the cloud.

Undoing Mistakes on Git

Git helps you experiment as you do not have to worry about changes in the current project. You can undo all the changes easily. This boosts a culture of innovation.

Record the Changes with Commit

In Git, a ‘commit’ is the act of documenting changes you’ve made to your source code. Git makes it simple to create granular commits when used correctly. Git will inform you which characters and lines in your source code have been changed.

If you are unable to understand the GitHub repository, then it is advisable that you seek engineering assignment help from professional experts.

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery

Continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) are two concepts that describe a culture, set of operating principles, and practices that enable application development teams to deploy code changes more frequently and reliably. The CI/CD pipeline is another name for the implementation.

After we get the code in the cloud, developers use this aspect to automate the source code deployment. Many teams, as per a survey, also use feature flags. In fact, 63% of the teams report higher quality software and better testing. CloudBees Rollout, Optimizely Rollouts, and LaunchDarkly feature flagging solutions connecting with CI/CD platforms and providing feature-level customizations.

In addition to this, there are services like CircleCI, GitHub Actions, Codeship, etc. Once established, CI/CD services can use our code that has been committed to a cloud Git repository and deploy it to our hosting provider’s testing and production environments automatically.

Hopefully, you are still with me and are able to understand the website development workflow. In case of confusion, ask your professors or peers to guide you.

Web Hosting and Browser

Web hosting is a service that allows individuals and businesses to publish a website or web page on the Internet. A web host, also known as a web hosting service provider, is a company that provides the technologies and services required to access a website or webpage on the Internet. Websites are kept on servers, which are special computers that host websites. All Internet visitors need to do is input your website address or domain into their browser to visit your site.

But, there are a lot of steps. You have to choose between dynamic or static websites. Next, you choose third-party services for setting up your site. These include Amazon Web Services (AWS), PagerDuty, CDN, and many more. Following this, you change the Domain Name Server. Many perform additional tasks on the server with the help of the SSH connection or shell scripts.

Builders, Compilers and Bundlers

Modern front-end development is now done with server-side JavaScript, which is more stable and feature-rich (even though it cannot actually run on browsers). This is when compilation (i.e. babel) (the process of turning server code to browser js) comes into play. Why not additionally tell the compiler which browsers to support if we’re doing that?

This leads to more advanced automated build systems, such as compilers and bundlers such as gulp, browserify, webpack, parcel, and others. These builders are typically written in JavaScript and rely on the Node.js run-time environment as well.

Webpack plugins are extremely handy. You can perform image processing, HTML template compilation, style pre-processing, automatic observe and re-compile, developer debugging capabilities, compression, minification, and work-arounds for specific browsers.

Hopefully, you have some insight into the modern web development workflow process. If you explore more, you will get to see that there are several other ways that developers resort to, web development. However, the process mentioned here is easier and gets the job quickly.

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